Campaign FAQs


Why a capital campaign? Why now?

After 18 years, it’s time to focus again on updates to our home—Though well maintained over these years, our commitment is to preserve our legacy and ensure the sustainability or years to come.

The Our House, Our Legacy Campaign has a goal of $1,000,000. Click here for a summary of the campaign priorities.

Gifts to the campaign are not tax deductible. As an independently owned house, we are not a Cornell residence, and gifts do not receive tax deductibility as charitable donations. New York Delta of Pi Beta Phi is a 501 (c) 7 organization (e.g., a social club), not a 501 (c)3 (an educational or charitable organization.)  Even if we had an educational foundation for Pi Phi, this campaign is about infrastructure improvement and we do not have dedicated educational space in the house that might allow some portion of gifts to a foundation to be considered tax deductible.

Yes, we can, though as noted above, that action would not help for this campaign. It may be an action to consider for the future, so we could raise funds to provide financial support to undergraduates for unpaid internships in the summer or emergency financial support, for example.

Contributions can be made by check, made payable to: NY Delta House Corporation of Pi Beta Phi Campaign or by making a gift online. If mailing in a check, please send with a printed pledge form to the address at the bottom of the form.

Yes, gifts to New York Delta of Pi Beta Phi qualify for all Cornell Class and Reunion gift credit.

Yes, online and mail-in gifts to the campaign may be spread over a three-year period. Mail-in multi-year commitments must total $3,300 or more. See the campaign giving page for details.