
about ny delta

Since 1919, the NY Delta chapter of Pi Beta Phi has remained true to its origins and continues to identify, recruit, and graduate outstanding undergraduate women of Cornell University.

Pi Beta Phi has earned a proud reputation among university sororities locally and nationally.

Most importantly, the nurturing and spirited environment of the chapter, year after year, and generation after generation, continues to attract and embrace women of incomparable character, intelligence, and joie de vivre.

And while we value and respect a common set of values and ideals, our members are diverse in academics, extracurricular activities, and philanthropic interests.

This diversity is a defining characteristic and one of our greatest strengths.

history of ny delta

The tenets of Pi Beta Phi have been preserved as we have transitioned to many Ithaca locations during the past nine decades. On June 14, 1919, the Beta Phi Fraternity of Cornell University became Pi Beta Phi.

These founding sisters of New York Delta met in Risley Hall, a new dormitory for women at the time. After receiving their charter, they rented a small bungalow on Eddy Street—the first New York Delta house. From Eddy Street, Pi Beta Phi moved to Wait Avenue. In 1937, the group leased a house at 425 Wyckoff Ave. Finally, in 1955, Pi Phi bought a plot of land on Triphammer Road. While the house was being built, the sisters lived at 516 University Ave. In 1956, the first sisters moved into what is still—and will be—our New York Delta house.

a part of Cornell's future

In 2006, we celebrated our diamond jubilee, the 50th anniversary of the Triphammer Road house, and launched our first ever campaign for NY Delta. Our next campaign, Our House, Our Legacy, was recently launched in 2024. Through careful planning and investments, we are ensuring future generations of Pi Phi women will share the experience of sisterhood we have all cherished throughout the years. Please click the link above to read more information about the campaign priorities and how to give.